Truck Photos - Pictures of Trucks - Page 2Pictures of trucks, photos taken on local roads and highways between Ontario and Florida and from the web around the world |
Shiny new International Prostar Brantford Ontario Canada
Aerodynamic Euro-style Peterbilt for more cost efficient fuel consumptionMidland day cab on highway from overpass - Burlington, OntarioFreightliner by Indian River near Grant Florida
Western Star Highway Tractor with flatbed trailer at Cootes Paradise BridgeDay cab with dump trailer passing Cootes Paradise - Hamilton, Ontario |
Trucks supply everyone we can't do without them.The industry is huge from small couriers in small delivery vans to the trucking giants with big rigs by the thousandsWhen a truckers life revolves around his rig, you can bet some are going to really fix them up nice with lots of chrome bells and whistles and shiny things stuck on their trucks.The eighteen wheeler is after all home sweet home for some and a lifelong passion for others as can be seen in the pictures and photos in this site. |